
他影響了早期的戴爾卡耐基,和我們這一代的人生激勵演說家拿破崙希爾(Napoleon hill)



您覺得日子過得太沒有挑戰嗎?感覺人生就這樣了嗎?許多時候提不起興致,一天過一天卻又覺不甘心?這是因為您尚未發揮當有的潛力,除了麵包,奶油與房貸外(當然,還要在和半懂不懂的孩子奮戰中,等他們長大離家),因此,承認吧,我們活著,卻未活過!這是為什麼有「不甘心」的感覺。May be you need someone help you to do what you can do(也許你需要有人幫助你去做你可以做的事)! Emerson.

你要的就是這個人,馬爾騰博士(Dr. Orison Swet Marden)。馬爾騰博士是現代積極思想始祖,他的教導影響超過100年,歷久彌新。早期的戴爾卡耐基,和我們這一代的人生激勵演說家拿破崙希爾(Napoleon hill,如果我記得不錯,他讀過馬博士的50本書)都受到他的影響。我個人覺得,除聖經外, He can who thinks he can (青年勵志文集,林語堂譯)這本書是一生中必讀的第二本書。


 Orison Marden was born in Sea Cliff, Long Island on May 22,. His father, Orison Swett Marden, after whom he was named, was a well-known lawyer, physician, and writer of books on self-improvement.


我們已經進入一個是非不明,男女不分,許多時候,為了「政治正確」,連對的話都不敢說的時代。 Dr. Marden 的話是字字珠璣,猶如暮鼓晨鐘,幾乎每句話都能開啟靈明,震動靈魂深處,能建立正直品格,產生大無畏勇氣,改變自己,影響別人,一生走在正道上。

Deep within man dwell those slumbering powers; powers that would astonish him, that he never dreamed of possessing; forces that would revolutionize his life if aroused and put into action. Orison Swett Marden

Success is not measured by what you accomplish, but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds.
Self depreciation is a crime. 

It’s more interesting to note who followed Orison Swett Marden, most notably Napoleon Hill (Think and Grow Rich) and Dale Carnegie (How To Win Friends and Influence People). These guys came 30 years after Marden founded SUCCESS magazine in the late 1890s. - See more at:

Marden expanded the original thoughts of Smiles to an unprecedented degree. Not just a prolific writer, he was also a speaker, an editor, a publisher, a doctor and a lawyer. Marden’s books could be found in the library of every major early-American industrialist. He was the word, and words, of success and spirit. - See more at:

Dr. Orison Swett Marden (1850 - 1924) was an American inspirational author who wrote on success in life and how to achieve it. His writings discuss common-sense principles and virtues that make for a well-rounded, successful life. Many of his ideas are based on New Thought philosophy.

His first book, Pushing to the Front (1894), became an instant best-seller and remains a classic in the genre of self-help. Marden later published fifty or more books and booklets, averaging two titles per year.[1]

Marden had an unusual ability to strike a chord with his readers, encouraging them with hope and firing them with ambition to achieve. The privations of his childhood and youth, his broad education and his wide business experience in early manhood were factors that enabled him to write with understanding, sympathy and depth. Marden died in 1924 at the age of seventy-four.

Orison Swett Marden Quotes
Orison Swett MARDEN (1850 - 1924)
He Can Who Thinks He Can:

How to Succeed:

Pushing to the Front:

  这类的著作,称为“励志丛书(Inspirational Book)”极为美国人士所传诵。现在所译的这册书,正是他全部著作中的代表作品。从前曹孚译过这本书,书名改为《励志哲学》,不过该本尚欠完善,不适合普及教育,现改译后,又将马博士著的《人人是一个王》的一本,原名(Every man a king),两本译在一起,改名为《成功之路》。

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